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Just as with reading, math is a sequential learning process; it follows specific rules that build one on another like stacking blocks.  As skills are missed along the way, every block that’s added becomes a little less stable; each basic skill should be mastered before moving on.

When your child starts falling behind in elementary math skills, it becomes progressively more difficult to master higher academic challenges of middle and high school.  Without a solid foundation in basic math, progressing to higher math and science courses becomes ever more difficult.

So what are the math skills you can count on with your child?

Just as with reading, math is a sequential learning process; it follows specific rules that build one on another like stacking blocks.  As skills are missed along the way, every block that’s added becomes a little less stable; each basic skill should be mastered before moving on.

When your child starts falling behind in elementary math skills, it becomes progressively more difficult to master higher academic challenges of middle and high school.  Without a solid foundation in basic math, progressing to higher math and science courses becomes ever more difficult.

So what are the math skills you can count on with your child?

Following are some progressive benchmarks to help gauge your child’s math skills by grade level and build a solid foundation to ensure your child succeeds in higher math with relative ease.


  • Count to and identify numbers up to 20
  • Recognize the value of pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters
  • Tell time on the hour and half-hour

1st Grade

  • Count to 100, and count by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s
  • Know addition and subtraction for number groups 1-10
  • Complete two-digit addition and subtraction problems up to 20

2nd Grade

  • Count to 1,000, and count by 3’s and 4’s
  • Add single and two-digit numbers
  • Measure using a ruler in inches and in feet

3rd Grade 

  • Count by 6’s, 7’s, 8’s, 9’s, and know the concept of multiplication
  • Multiply and divide single-digit numbers
  • Weigh objects with a scale, and understand ounces and pounds

4th Grade 

  • Add and subtract decimals, compare decimals and fractions
  • Multiply multi-digit numbers by two-digit numbers
  • Divide multi-digit numbers by one-digit numbers

5th Grade 

  • Add and subtract fractions, decimals and percentages
  • Understand and compute perimeter, area and volume of simple objects
  • Use long division to divide large numbers by multi-digit divisors

6th Grade 

  • Compare decimals, fractions, and mixed numbers, both positive and negative
  • Use proportions to solve problems
  • Calculate percentage

“As elementary school students become more proficient in math skills, they create a stronger base for continuing success in middle and high school,” says Michelle Scott, Owner/Director of Tutoring Club of McLean“However, when math skills go missing, a student’s progress can shift into reverse.”

Mastering skills as they’re taught is ideal, but when that fails, it’s critical to correct the skill gaps quickly. TC Math is designed to pinpoint skill gaps and create an individualized instruction plan that will guarantee your child succeeds.

Once your child understands the concepts that were missed, you’ll see a new confidence emerge toward academic challenges that lie ahead.

Michelle Scott
Tutoring Club of McLean
703.237.TUTOR (8886)
Email:[email protected]
